Our Founder
I remember vividly a slow, meandering walk with my best friend in 2013. It was winter. The frozen air dry and crisp. The sky a flat grey. We were surrounded by Colorado’s never-ending beauty – every mountain, hill, spruce, and field covered in blankets of soft, white snow. The river’s babbling silenced. But I could barely enjoy it.
My head pain, triggered originally from a minor car accident in 2011, continued to spiral out of control. 9 out of 10. 8 out of 10. 10 out of 10. 7 out of 10 was a great day. Relief was fleeting. No therapies or meds helped. Rather, they put my emotions to the edge of despair. I spent most of my days locked in a dark, silent room – the sound of my humidifier too agitating. Doctor after doctor told me I would never work, ski, or run again. My passions and my identity torn away. My eternal optimism diminished.
I told my friend it took all my might to still believe everything happens for a reason. She stopped, turned to me, lovingly cupped my hands gently in hers, and said “there is NO conceivable reason that you have to be in such pain for so long.” I wept, but I would never give up.
Fast forward to 2017. Having rebuilt my consulting career, I happily boarded an airplane 50 weeks a year, skied 80 days, and ran a hundred miles in our amazing National Parks. I also started tinkering in the kitchen with a keto macro bar as I was struggling to get enough healthy fats on the road. It simply wasn’t convenient.
Fast forward to today, August 22, 2018, a year after I quit my consulting career to pursue KE fulltime. I thought I would have product to market by October 2017. I hit roadblock after roadblock. I wanted to quit a thousand times. But I didn’t.
The stories kept trickling in. Motivation for my new passion – through email, on the chairlift, via friends. Keto for epilepsy. Keto for diabetes. Keto for cancer. Keto for morbid obesity. Keto for Lyme disease. Keto for Parkinson's disease. I couldn’t give up.
The day of KE’s first FatFor keto bar sale, I bumped into a woman in my small town of Winter Park, Colorado. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in July. When I saw her the prior week, she was shattered with tears. Depressed. Hopeless. Now, she sparkled. Her cancer, through working with a homeopathic doctor in Boulder, was in remission from Stage 2 to Stage 1. Her doctor wanted her to enter ketosis.
She gave me a huge hug and told me how fortunate she feels that she knows a keto expert – that she told her best friend how amazing it is that that everything happens for a reason. She danced off to enjoy a cheeseburger – the first in two months -- without a bun and with a side salad loaded with olive oil and salt. She beamed with gratitude.
I still have head pain 24/7, but it is manageable. No one should have to go through the suffering I did, but I once again believe everything happens for a reason.
It is my goal, through KE, that we inspire – to empower and impact the health of millions. Whether you believe that everything happens for a reason or not, I ask that you never give up. Be curious. Be empowered. Be inspired… and inspire others with your own story of curiosity and success.
Welcome to your KE life.
With gratitude,
Founder & Fat Fuel Explorer, KE Fuels